Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Paul Newman Story

Back in 1969 during a low period of my life, I decided to have an “On the Road,” get away to think things through. I stopped in Indianapolis to see an old friend, who happened to be the doctor for the Indianapolis Speedway. He told me that Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward were filming a movie at the Speedway and asked if I'd like to watch. Of course, I did. He loaned me his little red Triumph sports car and gave me his gatepass. I drove out to the Speedway, crossed the original brickyard and arrived at Gasoline Alley, where they were doing the day's shooting. The set was a garage built for the movie, but added as an extention to a row of garages in what makes up Gasoline Alley.

While standing around watching the camera preparations for a scene to be shot, I met a young reporter for a national news magazine, Time, as I recall, who was doing a feature on the film. We watched the crews work and the supporting actors primp for their roles. Finally, Paul Newman arrived, did a few takes, and the Director had what he wanted for the garage scene.

Then, the reporter and I were asked if we'd like to be in a scene. Well, of course we would. We were given jackets to dress the part of garage mechanics and our task was basically to walk down Gasoline Alley behind Paul Newman. We were more or less movable scenery. Meanwhile, we had the opportunity to chat with the actor, who was still very much in his prime, but he seemed entirely approachable and unassuming. Again, after a few takes the scene was finished, as was the days shooting.

Then, we were asked if we'd like to watch the dailies Dailies are films of the previous days shooting, and are viewed at the end of the next day's shoot. Paul Newman was particularly interested in watching the dailies, because the footage was of him driving on the big oval for the first time. Fortunately, Newman liked to drink a beer at the end of the day, so brew was on had for the half dozen or so of us, including Paul, who watched him race around the speedway.

I've never been comfortable with the idea of intruding in the lives of celebrities, so it was especially nice to have an opportunity to share some time with an actor I admired. He was quietly gracious and, I think, appreciative of having people around him who weren't demanding.

Here is a video trailer of Winning. Oh, by the way, I ended up on the cutting room floor.


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing that, Pappy - what an awesome memory to have!

Pappy said...

Thanks Ryan, glad you like it. Actually, if you ever watch the film, you can see my elbow dressed in blue. Ha!

Unknown said...

Now I HAVE to watch it! :D