Friday, October 31, 2008

Vote Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Back when I was in a high school typing class, there were certain sentences that we had to practice. One statement was, “The quick brown fox jumped over the fence;” another, more memorable, quote was, “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” In these more politically volatile times, it would be better to say, “Now is the time for all good citizens to vote.”

So no matter who you support, be one of the good citizens who gets out and votes. It always astonishes me how few people actually vote, and thereby a minority of people have the greatest say in who acts for us. In this year’s election I’ll be voting for, among others, a state representative, a state senator, a vice-president, and a president. I’d rather have my vote go toward the person who I think will best act in a way I would If I were in their shoes.

Above all else, let’s vote for people who will support the best aspects of this great society of ours and especially the Constitution of the United States.

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