Sunday, August 30, 2009

Something, Anything

I've been wanting to get back to writing the blog, but have been too lazy and unmotivated to be thoughtful and articulate. Unfortunately, I'm still in that mode, but if I don't start...,well you know.

I've looked in on twitter the last couple of days and done some searches to see what makes this popular site tick. The revelation is that the normally hidden thoughts of people that now shout out their mundane, but previously hidden thoughts give the lie to the notion that still waters run deep. Apparently, people are in a hurry to let us know that nothing much is on their mind, and probably never will be. Not that I'm any better, mind you, but, at least, I haven't (until now) proclaimed it with such resounding volume.

While, I'm about it I'll reveal one of my new pet peeves...the word "appalled" as when people write letters to the editor and begin by saying, "I'm appalled that (fill in the blank)." A few bucks for a thesaurus is in order; for instance, "I'm amazed that no one has noticed...," or "I'm in awe of the mendacity of people," or "I'm horrified by the injustice of ....;" or people could realize that the best way to write is to describe your issue in a way that will describe how appalled you are.

So, perhaps I should have started this return to the blog with this sentence, "I'm dismayed by the apparent lack of thought in the tweets on twitter."

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