Saturday, July 19, 2008

Driving 55

When driving 55 was first introduced in the 70s, I supported the idea. However, driving long trips soon became a physical and mental drain, with no accompanying feeling of gain from mileage or dollars spent. Perhaps, the rationing of gas used during WWII is a better way of making people feel like they are contributing to a solution. Both ideas detract attention from the real problem of finding alternative sources of energy and more efficient methods of transportation. Driving 55 turned out to be a bad idea, and now it's even a worse idea.

The automobile has shaped our lives in innumerable ways. We live miles away from our jobs, shop in strip malls that necessitate driving, and drive to recreational areas and entertainment venues. Our communities have sprawled from small neighborhoods where you could walk to work or downtown stores to metropolitan areas; that means more minutes and hours in the car. We spend too much time commuting and driving now. More time spent in travel isn’t the answer to our problems.

Adjusting the speed limit doesn’t address the oil and automotive issues that everyone has known about for decades. For those who think sacrifice caused by industrial mismanagement and corporate greed is healthy, let them drive at 55 and feel superior to the rest of us. Meanwhile, let’s demand significant research, promote the use of creative imagination, and once more encourage inventive minds to find better alternatives to oil, gasoline engines, and urban sprawl.


Unknown said...


Erica said...

Remember when it was 55 through the entire state of PA? My dad used to complain when we were on 79 about how "In other states they can do 65!"

Thankfully you can do 65 now, while the rest of the country does 70.