Saturday, May 31, 2008

Graduation 2008

My daughter, Amelia, graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health and Physical Education from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. As an Emeritus faculty member, I requested that I be included in the graduation ceremony. I'm quite proud of her, she truly represents what it means to be a dedicated student, so it was with considerable happiness that I was able to don my academic gown and celebrate my daughter’s success.

I was at the beginning of the columns leading into McComb Fieldhouse, and I embraced her as she entered. Inside I was seated in the third row on the aisle, and embraced and congratulated her as she left the stage with her diploma. One of the young faculty members next to me said that seeing me embrace my daughter as she entered Commencement almost made her cry. I could only respond, "Me too." A Dean who observed me embrace her after she received her diploma told me that it was the best part of the ceremony for him.

The photo was taken in our backyard after Commencement during our celebration of the event. We are all quite happy for her.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Catching Up

Been a long time since my last blog post, so I’ll do a little catching up. First of all, for those who have been concerned about my health, I’m doing great. My 71st birthday just passed and I’ve renewed my resolve to enjoy everyday of my life for what’s it worth, ups and downs. I don’t always succeed in appreciating the small pains and frustrations of daily existence, but I’m making headway in gaining a larger perspective. Why not, at my age you realize how quickly time flies and that the precious days ahead are dwindling to a few.

I’m proud of my daughter who graduated, Cum Laude, this Spring from Edinboro University. Her Commencement ceremony featured a short video clip of each graduate as she or he came to the platform to accept their diploma. On one screen behind the platform of dignitaries was a screen featuring a close up of the graduate announcing their name and major study; on another screen, the graduate was seen as they received their diploma and the congratulations of the university President. This multi-media event actually added to the celebratory nature of graduating from college.

My wife and I once again wintered in Boca Raton, Florida, a location we have grow to appreciate more each year, as we have made more friends and Boca has become our winter home. The most significant activity for me is playing clarinet in The Gold Coast Band at Boynton Beach.

The Gold Coast Band is a community band that cheerfully accepts snowbirds and watches it’s sections swell in size each winter, only to have them dwindle again in May. However, they have what must be one of the most entertaining concerts of the year after most of us have gone. During the season, each concert features one or two medleys of big band hits or old standards, and these numbers are gathered together to create a “Senior Prom.” The seniors, in this case, are the golden aged members of the Gold Coast, who remember the songs from their youth. The audience’s chairs are placed along the walls and the floor is open for dancing. A very nice finale to the season, but one I have yet to participate in.

There is much more to tell, but I’ll save these stories for another day, this post being long enough as it is. I hope your life is as pleasant as mine in Pappy’s Paradise.