Tuesday, October 30, 2012


As a member of OVUREP, I created an unofficial web site as a meeting place where members of OVUREP can reconnect with old friends and share memories of our time together.

OVUREP was a Battle Group that trained together from Basic Combat training through Advanced Unit Training for a total of 32 weeks of Combat Training. We were the 2nd Infantry Division, lst Battle Group, 11th Infantry and trained at Kelley Hill, Fort Benning,  Georgia,  Upon the completion of our training we were sent to South Korea to replace a unit on the DMZ.

In the ROK we took up encampment at Camp Hovey near the DMZ.  We were now the 7th Infantry Division, the 1st Battle Group, 32nd Infantry.  A short distance from camp was the village of To-Ko-Ri.

OVUREP was the Army’s first overseas unit replacement experience.  It lasted from 1960 to 1962.  As a draftee, I was part of OVUREP.   The 1st Battle Group was a finely honed unit under the leadership of Col. Hayes, and, to my mind, a highly successful experiment.

In searching online for information and/or contacts about OVUREP I found very little.  The most useful item I found was in a History of the 2nd Infantry Division:

“In February of 1960 the 2nd. Inf. Div. was formally named as a OVUREP unit. Which stood for (Overseas Unit Replacement). This Ovurep unit was the "first" in Army history to train as an entire unit, from Basic Combat Training through Advanced Unit Training. They had 8 months of very hard training, then was shipped off to ROK (Republic of Korea) in March of 1961. This was the 2nd. Division, 1st. Battle Group, 11th. .Infantry and they took their training on Kelley Hill at Ft. Benning. The Ovurep was separated in the spring of 1962 and all of the members were assigned to other units throughout ROK.”#

I served as Chaplain’s Assistant to Chaplain Carson and got to know men from every company in the Battle Group.  Initially I was in Delta Company, but was transferred to Headquarters Co.   In addition to my duties as a Chaplain’s Assistant, I wrote and directed a Troop Ship show about our training that we performed aboard ship that you might remember.  That led to a theatrical production of Mr. Roberts that toured Eighth Army.  Whether you remember me or not, but were a member of OVUREP, we’d like to hear from you.

Please comment and add some memories in the area below or on the OVUREP webpage.  I know that many of us from back in the day don’t use computers, so perhaps children or grandchildren can help us meet up once again.

Click here OVUREP to go to the OVUREP webpage.


Saturday, October 20, 2012


The Lion once went a-hunting along with the Fox, the Jackal, and the Wolf.  The Lion had an impressive mane, wore plain colored, but elegant suits, and had billions of dollars, much of it in off-shore accounts.  The Fox was, of course, clever, and was constantly heard referring to the Revolution and The Constitution.  He’d vehemently shout, without much provocation, “No taxation without representation!” or “We have a right to bare arms!”  The Fox wore a three-cornered hat with a feather stuck in the band.  The Jackal is an excellent small game hunter, who usually hunts alone or with his mate in a well marked territory.  He has a rustic appearance.  The Wolf is an independent sort who likes to make up his own mind about things, loves his family, and doesn’t always run with the same pack.  Mutual needs brought these diverse types together to hunt, and their leader was the well-positioned Lion.

They hunted and they hunted till at last they surprised a Stag.  The Stag was noble and brave, but too peaceful for these unrelenting hunters and soon the Stag lost its life.  Then came the question how the spoil should be divided.  “Quarter me this Stag,” roared the Lion; so the other animals skinned it and cut it into four parts.  Then the Lion took his stand in front of the carcass and pronounced judgment:  The first quarter is for me in my capacity as King of Beasts; the second is mine as arbiter; another share comes to me for my part in the chase, and as for the fourth quarter, well, as for that, I should like to see which of you will dare to lay a paw upon it.”

“Humph,” grumbled the Fox as he walked away with his tail between his legs; but he spoke in a low growl, “You may share the labours of the great, but you will not share the spoil.”

A Fable by Aesop with contemporary elaboration.  FDF

Monday, October 1, 2012

Edinboro Homecoming 2012

The  heathery hues of distant hills emerge as the sun burns off the morning fog.  October First has arrived with all the color, warmth, and, yes, cool rains, of the Fall season.  Our walks on the maple lined paths of Edinboro University are cheered by the brilliant red leaves of one tree in contrast to the orange or yellow of another.  At week’s end, Alumni will return to campus to enjoy one of the great days of Edinboro:  Homecoming.

Many events are planned to suit the interests of a variety of people from the traditional to the contemporary.  Highlights of Friday and Saturday’s activities can be found here.  On Friday, I plan to play in the tennis tournament with a much more capable partner than I deserve, and attend the Class Reunion and Affinity Group celebrations later in the day.  Saturday, my wife and I will gather with friends and enjoy the Tartan Brunch, followed by the annual Homecoming Parade.  Hopefully this year it will be back up to it’s old standards.  The traditional Homecoming football game is at 2:00 p.m.

Erie County bragging rights will be up for grabs when a meeting of football teams with proud traditions takes place in Sox Harrison Stadium on the campus of Edinboro University.  The Fighting Scot’s take on local rivals, the Gannon Golden Knights, and the game should prove to be hard fought and exciting to watch.  Gannon (1-4) has lost to Slippery Rock, Clarion, and most recently to No. 10 Bloomsburg.  The Scot’s (2-2) have won two away games in a row and will come home to keep their streak alive.

Games, marching bands, celebrations, and cheering people of all ages will bring Edinboro to life this weekend in a setting of matchless Fall colors.